Table of Content

Table of Contents

1 Report Information 2 Phone Statistics 2.1 Table of Phone Statistics 2.2 Phone Registration Per Model 2.3 Registered Phones Per Model 2.4 Unregistered Phones Per Model 2.5 Total Registered and Unregistered Phones 2.6 Phone Models Per Device Pool 3 CSV Files 4 Phones 4.1 Analog Phone 4.2 Cisco 7832 4.3 Cisco 7841 4.4 Cisco 7861 4.5 Cisco 7941 4.6 Cisco 7945 4.7 Cisco 7975 4.8 Cisco 8811 4.9 Cisco 8841 4.10 Cisco 8941

1 Report Information

Report Summary
Report Date22/10/2019 5:06:03 PM
Report generated forPhone Inventory Report
DescriptionAs-Built Documentation for project
Server Info
CUCM version12.5.1.10000(22)
CUCM IP10.5.1.120
Report Settings
Visual StyleBlu Light.css
Template HTMLPhoneInventoryTemplate.htm
Template WordTriangle_Blue-universal.doc
Report Tool Info
Phone Inventory Tool version12.0.19 / 19 Oct 2019
Phone Inventory LicenseLicensed [Prof all]

2 Phone Statistics

2.1 Table of Phone Statistics

Phone Statistics
PhoneCUCM StatusRetrieval Statistics
ModelTotalRegisteredNot RegisteredAttemptedRetrievedFailed
Analog Phone101000
Cisco 7832110110
Cisco 7841110110
Cisco 7861110110
Cisco 7941110110
Cisco 7945211110
Cisco 7975110110
Cisco 8811110110
Cisco 8841101000
Cisco 8941101000

2.2 Phone Registration Per Model

This chart shows how many phones are registered and unregistered for each model.

2.3 Registered Phones Per Model

This chart shows how many phones are registered for each model.

2.4 Unregistered Phones Per Model

This chart shows how many phones are unregistered for each model.

2.5 Total Registered and Unregistered Phones

This chart shows the total numbers of registered and unregistered phones.

2.6 Phone Models Per Device Pool

This chart shows the total number of each phone model per device pool. It includes registered and unregistered phones. Each phone model is represented with a dedicated color.

3 CSV Files

File: ..\csv\

Click here to open

4 Phones

4.1 Analog Phone

Analog Phone
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
AN1234123410400Analog PhoneSCCPDP_SydneyHub_NoneAN1234123410400999900         Not available                  

4.2 Cisco 7832

Cisco 7832
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP00727849DA40Cisco 7832SIPDP_1Hub_NoneAuto 100067832017832 on 120 newThe 7832 conference phone10.5.1.58sip7832.12-1-1-12sip7832.12-5-1MN-49010.5.1.12022/10/2019 7:09:39 AM RegisteredokFCH2210DYHU 01rootfs7832.12-1-1-12No  CUCM10810.5.1.108eth0 Full, 100      

4.3 Cisco 7841

Cisco 7841
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP002F5C615751Cisco 7841SIPDP_1Hub_None7841 SIP100047841 on 120 8:33:30 AM RegisteredokWZP22510BFF 33rootfs78xx.12-1-1SR1-4No  SEP88908D72858A.lanx.uplinx.com10.5.1.39SW PORTDownFull, 1000      

4.4 Cisco 7861

Cisco 7861
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP6CFA8902CFE1Cisco 7861SIPDP_1Hub_None7861 SIP100037861 on new 120 7:09:43 AM RegisteredokWZP18190PO6 0rootfs78xx.12-1-1SR1-4No  SEP00070E16C0C7.lanx.uplinx.com10.5.1.215SW PORTDownFull, 100      

4.5 Cisco 7941

Cisco 7941
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP00070E16C0C7Cisco 7941SCCPDefaultHub_None7941 SCCP7941017941 on new 120 7:10:20 AM RegisteredokFCH1128AURS 1.0jar41sccp.9-4-2ES26.sbnNo  SEPD824BDBBEC46.lanx.uplinx.com10.5.1.219SW PORTDownFull, 100      

4.6 Cisco 7945

Cisco 7945
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP001FCAEA0108Cisco 7945SIPDP_1Hub_None7945 Other One794502794502 on 120Mr. Test10.5.1.42SIP45.9-4-2SR3-1S 7:09:41 AMbwayneRegisteredokFCH12249KW9 9.0jar45sip.9-4-2ES26.sbnNobwayne SEPD824BDBBEC46.lanx.uplinx.com10.5.1.219SW PORTDownFull, 100      
SEP999988887770Cisco 7945SCCPDP_1Hub_None7945 MK desk          Not available                  

4.7 Cisco 7975

Cisco 7975
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEPD824BDBBEC46Cisco 7975SCCPDP_1Hub_None7975 SCCP7975007975 on 120 new 7:09:30 AM RegisteredokFCH1551ASYW 11.0jar75sccp.9-4-2ES26.sbnNo  SEP6CFA8902CFE1.lanx.uplinx.com10.5.1.48SW PORTDownFull, 100      

4.8 Cisco 8811

Cisco 8811
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP88908D72858ACisco 8811SIPDP_1Hub_NoneAuto 100088811018811 on 120 8:33:13 AM RegisteredokFCH19158GD0 V01rootfs88xx.12-1-1SR1-4No  SEP0021A02E05E0.lanx.uplinx.com10.5.1.40SW PORTDownFull, 1000      

4.9 Cisco 8841

Cisco 8841
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP3C5EC30DCC2DCisco 8841SIPDefaultHub_None8841 SIP100058841 on 120        Not available                  

4.10 Cisco 8941

Cisco 8941
NameModelProtocolDevice PoolLocationDescription1st Extension1st_Extension Linetext1st_Extension DisplayIPActive Load IDInactive Load IDCCM registeredTimestampLoginUserIDRegistrationStatusSerial NumberSystem Load IDHardware RevisionSoftware VersionMWIOwner User IDMobility User IDNeighbor DeviceIDNeighbor IPNeighbor PortPC Port SpeedNetwork Port SpeedKEM1 ProductKEM1 SerialKEM1 VersionKEM2 ProductKEM2 SerialKEM2 Version
SEP503DE57D6060Cisco 8941SCCPDP_1Hub_None8941 SCCP8941008941 on new 120        Not available                  

Table of Contents